Saturday, September 27, 2014

Say Ello to the New Social Media Giant

Above is the "manifesto" of a new social media site called Ello. The new site is being called the antifacebook, and it is growing at a ridiculous rate. Right now Ello is in its beta phase and is an invite only website. This means that the only way to join is to be invited in small groups or by a current user. Even with this restriction the site is growing by 31,000 members an hour and the staff have to work 24 hours a day to keep it from crashing.

Many people reviewing Ello call it rudimentary and incomplete, so why are people flocking to the experimental new platform for social media? One of the biggest reasons is because of members of the LGBTQ community are fed up with Facebook's "real name policy." This policy requires that users use their real name and some transgender users have been kicked off or forced to change names back to the one they were given at birth. These people don't identify with this name but are forced by Facebook to change to a name that is eldom used. Ello on the other hand practically encourages multiple profiles or a changed name to stay anonymous. Another reason is Ello's rigid rules against selling user profiles or advertising in general. Ello is different in looks, it is created by artists to be a beautiful and simple social media interface and in ideas; Ello is also free of advertisement and hate. Unlike Twitter and Faceook, Ello does not hesitate to kick users who insult or assault another person on their website.

Critics of the site say that is can't stay ad free if the company wants to profit. Ello's plan for now is to sell different settings and multiple profiles to users to make a profit. If this doesn't work then Ello will have to shift to advertising but for now it is an ad free, hate free interface and I hope it can stay that way. Ello ends it's manifesto with the phrase "you are not a product" and that is an important idea, if the company stays with its golden ideals then I want to see it succeed. About an hour ago I requested an invitation to the new site and I am excited to see how a social media site with morals and new ideas succeeds.


  1. I think this is a great new social media site! My favorite part of it is that, as you said, users who insult other users will be kicked off. This is definitely not something I have witnessed Facebook or Twitter do and I think it will do much to help stop the problem of cyber bullying as well as make social media a more safe and positive place. Even if they have to eventually use advertisements in order to make a profit, I think it would be okay as long as they do not record all of your personal information and use it to tailor ads. The ads should just be aimed at their intended audience and should not be different for each individual. This is, as Ello says, treating people as products. As long as they do not do that then I think they will be a great site.

  2. Move over Facebook and Twitter there's a new kid on the block. I am sure that this new media site will become huge in the following year because of those who dislike the concepts of Facebook and Twitter. Henry this is the next big thing as you mentioned and I'll definitely try it out.
